
When I got the call from my sister-in-law asking if I would be willing to take the trip to Iowa to photograph her extended family I did not even hesitate with a yes.  There are so many memories of my teen years wrapped up with this family and at this farm. I count it a blessing that I get to know my sister-in-law family so well. It was a pleasure to photograph each of there growing families. It was pleasure to get to catch up with each of her sisters for just a bit. It was even more pleasure to stop for a second when all 31 people were set for a photograph to praise God what He has done.  Randy and Becky have faithfully served God. They see so much fruit of that faithfulness wrapped into that gorgeous family.  It’s amazing to see how God has grown them from a family of 6 to one of 31. The Bradfield clan is a great reminder we have a good, good Father.


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